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La Asociación mundial para la comunicación cristiana

La Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana (WACC) es una organización no gubernamental constituida para la defensa y promoción de los derechos a la comunicación con el fin de promover la justicia social. Hoy en día ofrecemos orientación y apoyo a las personas de todas las étnias, religiones y culturas en todo el mundo.

Creemos que todas las personas tienen el derecho a comunicarse y a estar en comunicación, de la misma manera que tienen el derecho a la alimentación, refugio y seguridad. A través alianzas estratégicas, aspiramos a ser un catalizador para lograr el bien común, compartiendo información, conocimientos y experiencias en el campo de la comunicación.  
La WACC cuenta con miembros en 118 países. Trabajando con ellos y ellas en los niveles local, nacional y regional, respondemos a las necesidades de comunicación, fortalecemos las capacidades, aboga por los derechos a la comunicación y enfrentamos retos actuales tales como la necesidad de un reportaje sensible al género, la consolidación de la paz y la comunicación participativa para el desarrollo.
Como asociación ecuménica mundial que incluye miembros individuales, institucionales y de fe, promovemos una mayor comprensión y participación basada en el derecho de cada uno y cada una a comunicarse abiertamente y democráticamente sobre las decisiones y eventos que afectan sus vidas.  
Trabajar en solidaridad con diversos socios nos permite avanzar juntos hacia la realización de nuestros objetivos. Donde la WACC está presente, nuestro objetivo es hacer un aporte positivo a individuos y a comunidades.

Ver le video sobre la WACC que sigue:


WACC has corporate and personal members in 120 countries.  Members are organised in eight Regional Associations consisting of: WACC Africa, WACC Asia, WACC Caribbean, WACC Europe, WACC Latin America, WACC Middle East, WACC North America and WACC Pacific.

The Association has determined that there will be two autonomous companies and charities assigned to address the needs of the Association.  Each of these charitable companies has its own independent Board.  Members of  the two Boards are elected by the Regional Associations.   Each Board elects Officers, a member-at-large from the country in which the Board is legally registered, and a General Secretary. For stewardship of finances and efficiency of administration the two Boards have agreed to share common Officers, including the General Secretary, and a common Executive Committee.

Each WACC Board meets once a year to determine priorities and commitments for the following year’s programme of activities. The Officers and Executive Committees also meet frequently throughout the year.  Increasingly meetings are held online or by other electronic means.  The Regional Associations, or their Executive Committees, also meet annually to discuss their communication needs and activities.

WACC is genuinely ecumenical in its membership and communication activities. It encourages co-operation between Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox and Roman Catholic communicators and challenges denominations to seek the broadest possible base for their communication activities. WACC also promotes co-operation between people of other faiths and ideologies.

The history of WACC dates back to 1950 but the organisation was more formally established with a Board of Trustees in 1968 when the old WACC (once World Association for Christian Broadcasting) was merged with the North American committee, RAVEMCCO. The WACC (UK) organization was established as a business and charity in England and Wales in 1986 and continues to maintain an office in London, UK.  WACC Canada was registered as a not for profit business in Canada in 2006 and became a Canadian charitable organization in 2008 with its office based in Toronto, Canada. 

See chart below…



WACC members receive news and information through its regular publications as well as occasional books, an annual report and other materials. Regional associations also produce newsletters. In addition, members are invited to participate in regional and global activities such as seminars, workshops and Congresses. Membership is open to individuals, churches, church-related agencies and media producers, educational institutions, secular communication organisations and anyone else sympathetic to WACC’s mission and to the Christian Principles of Communication. 

More about membership here.


WACC offers professional guidance on communication policies, interprets developments in global communications, and discusses the consequences which such developments have for Churches and communities everywhere, especially in the South. WACC works towards the empowerment of women and assists the training of Christian communicators.

For a detailed summary of our work, download our Annual Report, which shows the achievements and challenges of WACC and our members. To see details of recently supported projects see our annual Project List.


WACC enjoys the support of many funding Partners and works closely with other organisations and movements in Alliances.


See the WACC staff list and contact details

Contact us

308 Main Street, Toronto ON
Canada M4C 4X7
Tel: 416-691-1999, Fax: 416-691-1997
Email: info@waccglobal.org 


16 Tavistock Crescent, London  W11 1AP United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 7985 276515

Nuestra organización

 Sobre la WACC
 Visión y misión  
 Plan estratégico  
 Junta directiva
 Socios financieros

A resident of Misrata makes contact with family outside the country using a satellite phone provided by the Libyan Red Crescent.
Photo: Paul Jeffery/ ACT Alliance.