About us
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About us


WACC — World Association for Christian Communication — is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organisation that builds on communication rights in order to promote social justice. We offer guidance and support to all people worldwide regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, or culture.


We believe that everyone has the right to communicate and to be in communication, in the same way that they have the right to food, shelter, and security. In strategic alliances, we aim to be a catalyst for change for the common good, sharing information, knowledge, and experience in the field of communication.


WACC has members throughout the world. Working with them at local, national, and regional levels, we address communication needs, strengthen capacities, advocate for communication rights, and tackle ongoing challenges such as the need for gender-sensitive reporting, peace-building, and participatory communication for development.


As a global ecumenical association made up of faith-based individual and institutional members, we focus on advancing greater understanding and participation based on everyone’s right to communicate openly and democratically about decisions and events that affect their lives.


Working with many different partners enables us to advance together towards achieving our goals. Wherever WACC is present, we aim to make a positive difference to people and communities.




WACC has corporate and personal members in eight regional associations:


Two autonomous companies and charities — WACC UK and WACC Canada — address the needs of WACC as an association. Each has its own independent board, with members elected by WACC’s regional associations. The WACC UK and WACC Canada boards each elect officers, a member-at-large from the country in which the board is legally registered, and a general secretary. For stewardship of finances and efficiency of administration the two Boards have agreed to share common officers, including the general secretary, and a common executive committee.


Each WACC board meets once a year to determine priorities and commitments for the following year’s program of activities. The officers and executive committees also meet frequently throughout the year. The regional associations, or their executive committees, also meet annually to discuss their communication needs and activities.


WACC is genuinely ecumenical in its membership and communication activities. It encourages co-operation between Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox and Roman Catholic communicators and challenges Christian traditions to seek the broadest possible base for their communication activities. WACC also promotes co-operation between people of other faiths and ideologies.


The history of WACC dates back to 1950 but the organisation was more formally established with a Board of Trustees in 1968 when the old WACC (once World Association for Christian Broadcasting) was merged with the North American committee, RAVEMCCO. The WACC (UK) organization was established as a business and charity in England and Wales in 1986 and continues to maintain an office in London, UK.  WACC Canada was registered as a not for profit business in Canada in 2006 and became a Canadian charitable organization in 2008 with its office based in Toronto, Canada.



WACC members receive news and information through its regular publications as well as occasional books, an annual report and other materials. Regional associations also produce newsletters. In addition, members are invited to participate in regional and global activities. Membership is open to individuals, churches, church-related agencies and media producers, educational institutions, secular communication organisations, and anyone else sympathetic to WACC’s mission and to WACC’s principles of communication for all.


Learn more about membership.




WACC offers professional guidance on communication policies, interprets developments in global communications, and discusses the consequences which such developments have for churches and communities everywhere, especially in the global South. WACC works towards the empowerment of women and assists the training of Christian communicators.


Discover more about our work in our annual report, which shows the achievements and challenges of WACC and our members. Or find out about the projects we support that promote communication rights and communication for development.



WACC enjoys the support of many funding partners and works closely with other organisations and movements in alliances.



Meet WACC staff.


Contact us

80 Hayden Street, Toronto ON
Canada M4Y 3G2
Tel: 416-691-1999, Fax: 416-691-1997
Email: wacc@waccglobal.org




100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE
United Kingdom

Phone: + 44 20 3880 0100