Since 1970, WACC has published a quarterly journal as a forum for people of goodwill to express their views about the role of communications in the development of more just societies worldwide. Over nearly fifty years, the world has changed dramatically and all kinds of communications revolutions have taken place – some for good and others for ill. Yet people and communities still need access to the information and knowledge that will help improve their lives.
To that end, everyone must also be able to engage in transparent, informed, and democratic debate. And yet accessibility and affordability remain key issues; media monopolies and misrepresentation obstruct a diversity of opinions and perspectives; and digital technologies, a life-saver for some, are subject to abuse by others.
Media Development today continues to set the scene, to explore and to probe, and to raise the voices of those who might otherwise remain unheard. It advocates communication as a way of creating openness and building trust in place of division and discord, and as a path to a more just and more peaceful world. This collection of recent editorials reflects that policy. To access the collection, click on the cover. To access complete issues of the journal, click on the covers below.
Philip Lee
General Secretary, WACC
Editor, Media Development
Issues of Media Development from 2013 to 2018 |
MD2018/1 |
MD 2018/2 |
MD 2018/3 |
MD 2018/4 |
MD2017/1 |
MD2017/2 |
MD2017/3 |
MD2017/4 |
MD2016/1 |
MD2016/2 |
MD2016/3 |
MD2016/4 |
MD2015/1 |
MD2015/2 |
MD2015/3 |
MD2015/4 |
MD2014/1 |
MD2014/2 |
MD2014/3 |
MD2014/4 |
MD2013/1 |
MD2013/2 |
MD2013/3 |
MD2013/4 |