Global Partnerships
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Corporate Members

Calypso – Togo Togo
CDT Foundation Inc. South Africa
Centre de Formation et de Documentation de l’Eglise Presbytérienne au Rwanda Rwanda
Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa South Africa
Christian Literature Action in Malawi Malawi
Conseil des Eglises Protestantes du Cameroun Cameroon
Entebbe Women’s Association Uganda
Espoir de la Famille Benin
Journalists for Christ Nigeria
Keimo Broadcast Training Center Nigeria
Lutte Nationale Contre la Pauvrete Dem Rep of Congo
Nkong Hill Top Association for Development Cameroon
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon Cameroon
Sauti ya Mwanamke Kijijini Dem Rep of Congo
Tanzania Development and AIDS Prevention Tanzania
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants China
Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary Philippines
Association for the Rural Poor India
Association of Christian Publishers Hong Kong
Board for Integrated Rural Development India
Cahayasuara Communications Centre Malaysia
Centre for Communication and Development Bangladesh
Chin Association for Christian Communication Myanmar
Chinese Methodist Message – Board of Christian Malaysia
Christian Conference of Asia Thailand
Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society India
Communication Foundation for Asia Philippines
Concordia Theological Seminary India
Development Communication Association Pakistan
Dhyan Kutir India
Diocese of Jabalpur – Church of North India India
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University Indonesia
Forum of Indian Christian Communicators India
Gurukul Lutheran Theological College India
IBON Foundation, Inc. Philippines
Indian Online Media Forum India
Indian Society for Promoting Christian India
Institute for Development Education India
Inter-Church Service Association India
Kanisius Publishing House Indonesia
Karnataka Christian Communication Service India
Leonard Theological College India
Lucknow Publishing House India
National Council of Churches in India India
Olive Tree Productions South Korea
Presbyterian Church of India India
Publication Board – John Robert Theological India
Religious Broadcasting and Television Advisory Hong Kong
Resource Institute for Social Education India
Shaffaf Christian Communications Trust Pakistan
St. John’s Cathedral, HIV Centre Hong Kong
Student Christian Movement of India India
Taiwan Church News Taiwan
The Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore College India
The Church of North India India
The Upper Room India
TNBC – Commission for Social Communications India
United Theological College India
Uniting Church in Australia – Synod of Victoria Australia
Zomi Baptist Convention Myanmar
Bon Nouvel Haiti
Collectif Des Universitaires Citoyens Haiti
Espacio de Comunicación Insular Dominican Republic
Red de Investigación y Colaboración en Comunicación de Centro América y el Caribe Puerto Rico
Rezo Fanm Radyo Kominote Ayisyen Haiti
Roman Catholic Diocese of Paramaribo Surinam
Sosyete Animasyon Kominikasyon Sosyal Haiti
The Catholic Chronicle St Lucia
Women and Development Unit – University of the West Indies Barbados
Women’s Media Watch – Jamaica Jamaica
Brot Für Alle Switzerland
Church of Sweden Sweden
Community of Protestant Churches in Europe Austria
Danmarks Kirkelige Mediecenter Denmark
Ecumenical News International Switzerland
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland Finland
Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland Germany
Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland Germany
Fédération Protestante de France France
Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia Italy
Feed the Minds/SPCK United Kingdom
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Finland
Interfilm International Switzerland
Leeds Trinity University College United Kingdom
Lutheran World Federation Switzerland
Medias Pro Switzerland
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – Religious Department Norway
Oikocredit Netherlands
P2 Productions Iceland
Reformierte Medien Switzerland
Salesian Pontifical University Italy
The Anglican Communion United Kingdom
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Abteilung Christliche Publizistik Germany
Westdeutscher Rundfunk Germany
World Council of Churches Switzerland
Latin America
Alianza de Iglesias Presbiterianas y Reformadas de America Latina Argentina
Asociación Ministerio Diaconal Paz y Esperanza Peru
Asociación Trinidad Ciudadanía Cultura y Desarrollo – Radio ViVa FM 90.1 Paraguay
Centro de Educación y Comunicación para Comunidades y Pueblos Indígenas Bolivia
Centro Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio Argentina
Centro Evangélico de Estudios Pastorales en América Central Guatemala
Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teológicos y Sociales Nicaragua
Colectivo Pro Derechos Humanos Ecuador
Comunicaciones Aliadas Peru
Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias Ecuador
El Estandarte Evangélico Argentina
Grupo de Apoyo al Movimiento de Mujeres del Azuay Ecuador
Grupo de Monitoreo Independiente de El Salvador El Salvador
Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata Argentina
Iglesia Evangélica Valdense del Río de la Plata Argentina
Igreja Evangélica de Confesión Luterana del Brasil Brazil
Instituição Sinodal de Assistência Educação e Cultura. Editora Sinodal Brazil
La Semilla Peru
Paulinas: Centro de Comunicación Social Colombia
Rede Mulher de Educaçao Brazil
Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y Televisión para el Desarrollo –
Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo.”
Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana Costa Rica
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo Brazil
Middle East
Al-Bayader Journalistic Establishment Palestine
Circle for Development and Dialogue Lebanon
Coptic Evangelical Organisation for Social Services Egypt
Coptic Media Centre Egypt
Council of services and development Egypt
Development & Institutionalization Support Egypt
Family Bookshop Group Cyprus
Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Lebanon
Ibrahimia Media Center Egypt
ME Dialogue, Development and Solidarity Cyprus
MJO El Noor Lebanon
National Evangelical Synod of Syria & Lebanon Lebanon
Near East Organization for Training, Development & Media Lebanon
SAT-7 Cyprus
Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo Syria
Telecine International Egypt
Télé-Lumière Lebanon
North America
Associated Church Press USA
Church of the Brethren USA
GCCF Canada
Presbyterian Church in Canada Canada
Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church USA
The Anglican Church of Canada Canada
The B.C. Catholic Canada
The Maximus Group USA
The United Church of Canada Canada
Citizens’ Constitutional Forum Fiji
Cook Islands Christian Church Cook Islands
Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education and Advocacy Fiji
Ekalesia Kerisiano Niue Niue Island
FemLink Pacific: Media Initiatives for Women Fiji
Fiji Media Watch Group Fiji
Kanana-Fou Theological Seminary American Samoa
Maohi Protestant Church French Polynesia
Methodist Church in Fiji Fiji
The Nukuno Protestant Churches Association Micronesia


Our Networks


PHOTO: Two children stand together as heavy rain falls at a temporary shelter for around 19,000 displaced people in Eldoret.
Photo: © Georgina Cranston / Reuters