Strategic Plan
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Strategic Plan 2017–2021


WACC’s Strategic Plan 2012–2016, developed through an extensive consultation process with members, partners and other stakeholders, helped WACC to reframe its Vision and Mission and make more explicit its commitment to communication rights. It helped focus its expertise in participatory media monitoring to strengthen the voices of those denied the right to communicate because of gender, status, or identity. The plan began to link grassroots development communication projects with the promotion of communications rights. The Strategic Plan 2017–2021 renews and builds on those strategic priorities in the light of a changing global environment.

View a digital version of the Strategic Plan here.

Download a print version of the Strategic Plan here.


Strategic Plan 2012-2016

Download a summarized version of the Strategic Plan 2012-2016 here.

Download the full Strategic Plan here.


Stakeholder Report

WACC stakeholders — members, affiliates, regional associations, executive committees, directors, project partners, funding partners and staff — were consulted as part of a year-long process of strategic planning. The Stakeholder Report is a background document for the strategic planning process. The results were discussed on 11 October 2011 by WACC’s Board of Directors prior to taking important decisions about the future of WACC.

Download the full report here.