09 Aug 2022 WACC extends 100 Languages in 100 Days challenge
One hundred days after WACC launched its 100 Languages in 100 Days Challenge May 3, only 29 translations have been made to the Principles for Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age.
“With more than 7,000 languages in use around the world, just 100 would still be a drop in the ocean,” said WACC General Secretary Philip Lee. “For that reason, we are extending the deadline for translations in the hope that many more volunteers will accept the challenge,” he added.
The challenge has attracted a broad spectrum of volunteers, including members of faith-based groups and NGOs, professional translators, language lovers and writers. Their translations are available here.
With the dominance of English in global communications, the campaign was launched May 10 to raise awareness of the diversity of language and the cultures they represent and commits everyone further to protect the world’s languages.
The challenge is part of a larger campaign to highlight principles for justice that should be at the heart of communication in today’s digital age. It involves translating Principles to promote communication for social justice in a digital age, a 374-word document from the Manifesto of the international symposium, “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age,” organised by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and WACC in September 2021.
“With over 7000 spoken languages around the world – and more that are visual or written – WACC wishes to recognise and celebrate this diversity, as well as highlight principles for digital justice that should be central in our society,” said Sara Speicher, WACC Deputy General Secretary. “This aims to be one of WACC’s contributions to the World Council of Churches’ 11th Assembly 31 August – 8 September, where a paper on “A Vision for Digital Justice” will be presented based on these principles.
Volunteer translators will receive credit and recognition for their work on our websites, and social media platforms.
Interested? Please let us know which language you would like to translate, or if you want more information at news@waccglobal.org
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