Media Development 2024/1
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Over one hundred years of sci-fi books, magazines, TV programmes, and films have made it easier (as Dr Who fans will testify) to believe that aliens from outer space are intent on taking over Earth. In 1938, courtesy of a notorious radio broadcast of “The...

Kathleen Diga Civil society engagement around communication rights has become more important and relevant than ever, particularly at this moment where we observe shrinking civic digital spaces1 for free expression without harassment or discrimination. Specifically, we see existent social platforms and, in some cases, governments flawed...

Oscar Felipe Tellez D. Los escenarios internacionales, que reúnen a grandes gobiernos, son envueltos por la cobertura periodística que realizan los medios masivos de comunicación. Eso sí, la construcción del discurso crítico realizado por diferentes sectores académicos y sociales califica esta labor como una acción sesgada...