Global: Development Initiative Programme (DIP)
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Global: Development Initiative Programme (DIP)

€ 110,000

In a world of continuing change, especially in communication technology, traditional forms of media particularly those that enable community must not be overlooked and indeed need to be strengthened. At the same time, there is an ever greater need to press for the democratisation of communications following the decline of “public” communication channels. This changing communication environment has also had a detrimental impact on a communication ethic that espoused participation, access and dialogue and that was built on the foundations of truth and solidarity. The Development Initiative Programme (DIP) was established to address these trends by stimulating developmental and innovative small scale communication projects. The Developmental Initiative Programme thus supports a wide range of communication activities – from electronic media, to print and popular and folk media – that are genuinely innovative in nature and which address issues linked to local and national development goals. In the past, such projects have included, for example, HIV and Aids awareness for Dalit communities in India; theatre education on disability issues in Brazil; a workshop on communication for reconciliation in the Middle East, and a Gender TV series production in Burkina Faso.

To qualify for the DIP, projects must originate from countries eligible for official development assistance as defined by the Development Cooperation Directorate (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). They are expected to be completed within a year, are ‘one off’ and not part of a current longer term programme. It is anticipated, however, that projects may take the work of the organisation in a new direction and mark the beginning of a new area of activity. Key to the success of the programme has been in its ability to respond quickly to development communication needs thus capitalising on the determination, enthusiasm and creativity implicit in the development and implementation of new ideas. The DIP is a very important part of WACC’s work, as it allows the organisation to respond quickly to development communication needs in the Global South.

WACC welcomes contributions to the programme fund that will be matched in a ratio of 3:1 by a fund in the amount of Euros 330,000 generously made available to WACC by Germany’s Church Development Service (EED).

Contact: Sarah Macharia
Programme Manager, Media & Gender Justice, WACC
Email: SM@waccglobal.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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