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Chers membres, partenaires et amis de la WACC,Chaleureuses salutations du Secrétariat général de la WACC.Des événements récents ont démontré que les droits à la communication sont essentiels à la vie des gens, à leurs moyens de subsistance, à leur identité et à leur communauté. Le...

Estimados miembros, socios y amigos de la WACC,Saludos cordiales desde la Secretaría General de la WACC.Los acontecimientos recientes han demostrado que los derechos a la comunicación son vitales para la vida, el sustento, la identidad y el sentido de pertenencia a una comunidad de las...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser}Gender aware journalism: a more ethical perspective.{/teaser}Gender aware journalism: a more ethical perspective

By Maria Teresa Aveggio, Programme Manager

“The fact that students of Communication will have the possibility of discussing themes such as the importance of...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} The policy template was developed following consultations with journalists and editors.{/teaser}

The African Woman and Child (AWC) Feature Service worked with  journalists, editors, and media managers in Kenya to build capacity for sensitivity and...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} On International Women's Day, March 8, WACC is encouraging its networks, members and partners to participate in UNESCO’s Women make the news campaign.{/teaser} News release

On International Women's Day (March 8), WACC is encouraging its networks, members and partners among...

Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP)€ 330,000 The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) has since 1995 documented changes in gender representation and portrayal in the world news media. Implemented in 5-year cycles, the GMMP begins with research followed by actions to accelerate progress in the rate of...

The Centre for Communication Rights facilitates people’s informed and democratic participation in decision-making processes about issues that directly affect their lives. Despite the rapid spread of digital technologies, millions of people on every continent lack access to communication platforms, have limited access to relevant and accurate information...

€ 20,000The Communication Rights Portal is an information and knowledge platform intended to support the growing awareness and acceptance of communication rights as fundamental to inclusive societies and human development. Contact: Sarah Macharia Programme ManagerMedia & Gender Justice, WACC Email: web:

€ 6,660WACC has long had an interest in exploring the role that cinema plays in understanding contemporary realities worldwide. For many years it has worked in close cooperation with the Protestant film organization INTERFILM (both in Europe and in North America) and with its Catholic...