Media, Gender Justice and Communication Rights
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Media, Gender Justice and Communication Rights


The aim of the Latin-American Gender Justice Team (ELA) is to improve the social, political and economic situation of women. Composed of prominent female lawyers and sociologists, ELA serves as a bridge between generations working on legal matters and public policy. ELA identified an absence of reference to human rights in print media reports on issues affecting women, a gap that tends to reproduce gender stereotypes. The project purposed to address this gap by developing a manual for journalists and an Internet portal on gender, news and women’s rights.

Assessment: Project performance surpassed expectations. All planned outcomes and outputs were achieved. The project succeeded in advocating for the application of a human rights lens to understand and report on social realities. Journalists now have at their disposal case studies, guidelines and a ‘rights focus’ manual that enable greater accuracy in analysis and coverage of news events. Project beneficiaries include 151 journalists (80% women) that have access to ELA’s electronic newsletter which reaches 3,263 subscribers and has 2000 followers on Facebook social media platform. Women predominated as participants (90%) in all project activities. The Centre for Judiciary Information actively implemented a policy of linking with the press and working with the Supreme Court’s Women’s Department. The ELA website registered 30,284 visits throughout the project period, almost 8% of which were specifically to the project page. 167 copies of the manual were downloaded from the website and a Facebook posting of the manual received 82 likes and 31 shares. The manual was promoted on a distribution list with 1200 subscribers across Latin America as well as to the regional network of journalists for non-sexist communication. ELA established contact with schools of journalism to make project materials available to students, and as well, donated copies of the materials to various institutions and research centers. The Manual has been incorporated into the gender and communication diploma programme curriculum and in the graduate course reading list at the National University of Córdoba.

Final Report   Experiencia WACC ELA – mayo 2014
Mejorar la comunicacion para expandir los derechos   Reunion con Periodistas



Project 1949


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