WACC photo competition 2012 makes no awards
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WACC photo competition 2012 makes no awards

Entrants were asked to submit photos illustrating the notion that communication is a basic human right, essential to people’s dignity and community. Or showing how communication promotes democratic values and social justice. Or demonstrating how communication helps restore voice and visibility to people, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.

WACC President, Dr Dennis Smith commented, “As WACC officers we reviewed the photos submitted with great interest. We found that many highlighted important facets of ‘communication for all’ but tended to be narrowly illustrative rather than suggesting the larger meaning of the phrase.”

The theme of the competition described communication rights as invoking spaces and resources in the public sphere for everyone to be able to engage in transparent, informed and democratic debate. Unfettered access to the information and knowledge essential to responsible democracy, empowerment, active citizenship and mutual accountability were identified as well as political, social and cultural environments that encourage the free exchange of a diversity of creative ideas, knowledge and cultural products.

The panel of judges made up of WACC’s Officers expressed significant reservations about the content and quality of the photos submitted. WACC’s General Secretary, Rev. Karin Achtelstetter, commented that, “The majority of photos depicted individuals using modern technologies such as a computer or a cell phone, but unfortunately none succeeded in capturing the essence of the theme.”

WACC’s Officers have asked for the competition to be rethought and redesigned in time for 2013, with a longer lead time for preparation and making it more responsive to WACC’s needs.

“WACC sincerely regrets the inability to make awards this year and apologizes to all those who took the trouble to enter. WACC looks forward to a stronger, reformulated and reinvigorated competition in 2013,” said Rev. Achtelstetter.

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