22 Sep 2014 Young People’s Action Zone for Peace
Communication for Peace
The problem to be tackled is the physical and psychological violence faced by young people and especially women aged 14-24 years in their family, school and social milieux. The Radio Zone project seeks to provide a space in which young adolescents can express their opinions and to develop a public communication strategy that identifies and challenges the problems of living together and how to resolve conflicts peacefully. It will take place in the Teusaquillo and Ciudad Bolívar districts of Bogotá, capital of Colmbia, where there is a high incidence of poverty and violence.
The project will be carried out by the YMCA of Bogotá to promote behaviour change through greater recognition and tolerance of the rights of others, greater capacity to resolve conflict, greater acceptance of the ‘other’ and of diversity, plurality and difference. It will be based on the understanding that all human beings have different ways of thinking and being and that elimination or exclusion are not options. The project aims to create groups of women, men and young people able to use Internet radio to promote peaceful resolution of conflict. Radio programmes will be recorded on CD-ROM for use in universities and colleges and among youth groups in the two districts. The project will also organize day-long public campaigns and gatherings using various art forms to promote the same issues.
Final Report |
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