27 Jan 2012 Global: Communication Leadership Training Programme
€ 50,000
The Communication Leadership Training (CLT) programme awards short and long-term scholarships to facilitate and nurture the development of effective communication leadership in grassroots organisations, particularly those working with and for marginalised groups and communities. CLT focuses on both the promotion of individual and organisational leadership as WACC understands that these two aspects of leadership are interdependent. Thus applications for the awards are considered from both independent candidates as well as individuals nominated by their organisations. Successful candidates will be outstanding individuals who have shown leadership potential in engaging with key issues and have the ability to bring about a more just and democratic communication order. Support services provided to candidates include placement, administration, welfare, monitoring and evaluation. WACC encourages former scholars to remain in touch through its Alumni network.
Contact: Sarah Macharia
Programme Manager, Media & Gender Justice, WACC
Email: SM@waccglobal.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
web: http://www.whomakesthenews.org
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