Media Development
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In the struggle for inclusive information and knowledge societies, and in the present context of gross inequalities, is it too late to achieve what one contributor to this issue describes as "the equal distribution of resources, power and dignity"? WACC's own position is unequivocal. It...

In matters of freedom of religion or belief, communicators have a duty to present fair and balanced coverage. However, that is not always what happens. There may be a need for some kind of global media observatory for news...

In matters of freedom of religion or belief, communicators have a duty to present fair and balanced coverage. However, that is not always what happens. There may be a need for some kind of global media observatory for news coverage and media representations of religion...

Mass and community media can unthinkingly reinforce stigmatisation and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. Beyond the important question of language and image, there are those of care, respect, support, and human dignity. As one writer in this issue comments, "HIV and AIDS...

Mass and community media can unthinkingly reinforce stigmatisation and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. Beyond the important question of language and image, there are those of care, respect, support, and human dignity. As one writer in this...