Media Development 2013/4 pdfs
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Media Development 2013/4 pdfs

Media Development 2013/4

Building alliances for gender and media

Gender stereotypes are one of the most persistent causes of inequality between women and men in all spheres, impacting both their professional and private lives. Media content influences the way people perceive reality and contributes to shaping gender roles. If gender equality means equal visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation of both women and men in all spheres of public life, the same should apply to media content. Building strong alliances for gender and media can help bring about significant change.

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Policy-making about information and communication technologies: Where are women voices? 
Association for Progressive Communications (ACP) 

Construyendo comunicación no sexista 
Por Claudia Florentin 

La insoportable gravedad del androcentrismo mediático 
Maximiliano Dueñas Guzmán 

Gender equality and communication in Africa 
Amie Joof 

Media pluralism and gender: Not just a question of numbers 
Ammu Joseph

Return to Bangkok: Two decades of civil society interventions on gender and media
Sarah Macharia

Media monitoring is a catalyst for transformation 
Rosemary Okello-Orlale

Bosnia and Herzegovina is beginning the struggle for gender equality in the media 
Abida Pehlic


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