30 Apr 2019 Help make GMMP 2020 a success: Give today!
Will you help make the 2020 Global Media Monitoring (GMMP) possible?
Please consider donating to the GMMP’s campaign via Fundly, a crowdfunding site for online fundraising....
Will you help make the 2020 Global Media Monitoring (GMMP) possible?
Please consider donating to the GMMP’s campaign via Fundly, a crowdfunding site for online fundraising....
Do you have a passion for either gender equality, women’s rights, human rights, or ethical journalism? Are you curious about how to unpack and analyze media content from a gender perspective?
...WACC Latin America, WACC North America and WACC Africa recently elected new Executive Committee members for their regional associations....
TORONTO/Brussels, May 9, 2014 (WACC/SIGNIS) – The 5th WACC-SIGNIS Human Rights –Award 2013 has gone to the documentary Caminhos da paz (Paths of Peace) directed by Sol de Carvalho (Mozambique, 2013). A feature-length documentary, the film highlights the successful role of the churches...
Depuis plus de deux décennies marquées par l’extension de l’épidémie du VIH/SIDA en Afrique de l’Ouest, des initiatives multiples plus ou moins structurées ont vu le jour, aux niveaux individuel, communautaire et institutionnel. Parmi les acteurs impliqués, la société civile à travers les...
An e-book titled Preparing for a Glorious Media Career for Mass Communication students and other aspiring journalists has been published in Nigeria.
NAIROBI—A three day conference organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) was held on November 24-26 in Nairobi, Kenya to adopt collaborative response to the Ebola crisis which is currently ravaging some parts of the continent. ...
In Sierra Leone, a West African country still recovering from civil war, a church-operated radio station is about to hit the airwaves with messages of peace and reconciliation....