Media Development 2014/3 pdfs
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Media Development 2014/3 pdfs

Media Development 2014/3

Communication among the Pacific Islands

Pacific Island peoples and communities are facing unprecedented challenges to their economies and environment – at least some of them causes by the impacts of climate change. Journalists can play a key rolein identifying and making public the global, national and local concerns and aspirations of vulnerable people and their communities. They canalso tell success stories, and share knowledge and information that willcontribute to greater resilience and long-term survival.


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Media Development 2014/3 editorial
Philip Lee

Shooting the messenger, Pacific-style 
David Robie

A united Pacific voice to ban nuclear weapons
François Pihaatae

What are the communications challenges facing Tonga today?
Viliami Falekaono

Virtual grief
Kristina J. Morehouse and Heather M. Crandall

“The Act of Killing”: truth, memory and reconciliation in Indonesia
Nubia E. Rojas G.

Would you hire this person? Empowering voters in Peru
Amos Owen Thomas

Cuando la religión se pone del lado de la gente
Entrevista con Rolando Pérez

Poder político, tecnología y medios de comunicación
Carlos A. Valle

Listening to the voices of those living in poverty and marginalization

Bonding & Bridging
Henk Hagoort

Ecumenical Jury Prize at Cannes Film Festival 2014
Kristine Greenaway

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