Digital Frontiers
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WACC’s Pathways to Digital Frontiers program builds the capacity of citizen’s groups around the world to use digital communication platforms and citizen journalism to claim their rights, access social services, engage in policy-oriented advocacy, and participate in democratic processes. The program includes access to funding, networking, and training.

Drawing on a framework of communication rights, this initiative works to strengthen the digital advocacy work of civil society organizations (CSOs) at the national level to advance the democratic participation and active citizenship of marginalized peoples and communities.

Project partners will be expected to have:

  1. Identified and understood local, needs challenges and opportunities in relation to citizen journalism and digital media platforms.
  2. Worked with marginalized groups and developed sufficient capacity to utilize digital media for networking and coalition-building.
  3. Created a functional network of citizen journalists that is exchanging information and good practices.

PHOTO: Morning show broadcasting at Sauti radio station. 
Photo: Masakazu Shibata©UNESCO2013