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Graffiti and public speaking have an ancient pedigree. In classical Greece and Rome, public speaking was known as rhetoric – the composition and delivery of speeches. It was an important skill in public and private life. The Greek philosopher Aristotle and the Roman orator Quintilian...

Del 6 al 7 de noviembre, en la ciudad de Lima Perú, la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana (WACC) región América Latina realizará el Seminario El Derecho a la Comunicación con Enfoque de Género en la Agenda de Desarrollo...

We, the 44 Christian communicators from 15 countries in Asia, have come together for the WACC-Asia Region pre-Assembly Seminar and Triennial Assembly, held from May 22-25 in Manila, Philippines to learn from each other the issues, challenges and opportunities to realize ‘communication for...

Recognizing and Building Communication Rights Indigenous Voices from Bolivia; an Opportunity to Speak Out Social Change for Women Using New Communication and Information Technologies Young People’s Voice Matter! ...

Communication for Peace Bringing People Together for Community Peace-Building Communication and Poverty Training East African Journalists to Cover People Affected by Drought Enhancing Access to Mobile Phone and Internet Based Information Services for the Rural Population in Northern Uganda ...

HIV and AIDS, Communication and Stigma Communication to Fight against Stigmatisation Sectional Plan for the struggle against HIV and AIDS in Christian Churches in Togo ...

Communication for Peace Africa at War: the Tasks of Peace Journalism Giant Peace Dove Media Campaign HIV and AIDS, Communication and Stigma Strengthening the Capacity of Faith-Based Organizations’ Leaders on HIV and AIDS Stigma Reduction and Counseling Training for Widows and Denary Workers on HIV and AIDS Prevention HIV and AIDS...