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{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} The theme is: Communication for all.{/teaser}

The annual WACC Photo competition, 2012, has been launched. The theme is: COMMUNICATION FOR ALL

DESCRIPTION: Communication rights invoke spaces and resources in the public sphere for everyone to be able to engage in transparent,...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} WACC said SNOQ’s struggles on media representation of women resonate with GMMP.{/teaser}By Sarah Macharia, GMMP global coordinator, WACC

WACC has expressed solidarity with Se Non Ora Quando (SNOQ), (if not now, when?)...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} WACC’s Vision Statement is now “Communication for all”.{/teaser}By Philip Lee, WACC Deputy Director Programmes

The WACC Board of Directors met on 15 November 2011 to review and approve two new statements on the organisation’s vision and mission. WACC’s Vision Statement...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser}The Catholic Media Council is carrying out a survey to discover in what ways community members participate in local and community radio stations.{/teaser}

The Catholic Media Council (CaMeCo), a WACC partner, is carrying...

ANNOUNCEMENT   The World Association for Christian Communication - North America Region (WACC North America) & Office of Communication, Inc (OC, Inc) invite you to a webinar on Net Neutrality to be held on Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 from 1pm to 2pm Eastern time.Discover with presenters Cheryl...

By Teresia Mutuku, Communication Officer and Web Manager, WACC The General Secretary of the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), Rev. Karin Achtelstetter, was among five global leaders awarded Doctor of Divinity honoris causa by the Academy of Ecumenical Indian Theology and Church Administration at its...