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In the struggle for inclusive information and knowledge societies, and in the present context of gross inequalities, is it too late to achieve what one contributor to this issue describes as "the equal distribution of resources, power and dignity"? WACC's own position is unequivocal. It...

In the struggle for inclusive information and knowledge societies, and in the present context of gross inequalities, is it too late to achieve what one contributor to this issue describes as "the equal distribution of resources, power and dignity"? WACC's own...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser}Over USD 7000 was raised by April 30.{/teaser}By Teresia Mutuku, Communication Officer and Web Manager, WACC

On the small Pacific island of Tahiti, located over 15,000 kilometers from Sierra Leone in West Africa, members of Maohi protestant Church generously responded to a WACC...

{wacc location="St. Lucia"} {teaser} I am appealing to all WACC-Caribe members to make a contribution to this global effort.{/teaser}Dear WACC- Caribe Members,

WACC global has been invited to be part of global fundraising challenge to raise funds Radio Shalom project in Sierra Leone. It...

{wacc location="Songea, Tanzania"} {teaser} A workshop in rural Tanzania provided an opportunity to map a sustainable communication strategy to address HIV and AIDS related stigma at the grassroots level.{/teaser}A project update

(source: Dominica Haule, project co-ordinator, GRAFCA)

A workshop in rural Tanzania provided an opportunity...

{wacc location="Songea, Tanzania"} {teaser}A workshop in rural Tanzania provided an opportunity to map a sustainable communication strategy to address HIV and AIDS related stigma at the grassroots level.{/teaser}A project update
(source: Dominica Haule, project co-ordinator, GRAFCA)

A workshop in rural Tanzania provided an opportunity to...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"}{teaser}Women work together to eradicate feminicide and impunity{/teaser}

CEDEPCA (Guatemala) has recently concluded a three-year programme of activities aimed at combating violence against women in Guatemala and Mexico. Called “Actions against Feminicide and Impunity”, 16 training workshops were supported under...

{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser} WACC just needs 12 more donors to reach the goal of the globalgiving fundraising challenge.{/teaser}

To Executive members:

Hey everyone,

WACC just needs 12 more donors to reach the goal of the globalgiving fundraising challenge for Radio Shalom project...