02 Dec 2016 Media freedom in Pacific Island democracies
Particular communication challenges face Pacific Islanders in areas where democracy is still contested.
...Particular communication challenges face Pacific Islanders in areas where democracy is still contested.
...Information and communications technology sector has a role to play in protecting and promoting free expression.
A mobile-friendly platform to respond to the needs of audiences and promote the growth of talent, leadership and learning in journalism.
Colombia-based WACC project partner and member supports people with high-cost illnesses to engage in advocacy using digital communication technologies....
People of faith have much to contribute to the discourse on climate change, and communications is an essential part of that mission.
Reportaje del proyecto Periodismo Ciudadano para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos implementado con el apoyo de la WACC y del Otto per Mille de la Iglesia Valdese.
Globethics.net has announced publication of a new book that examines how the world of digital technology is reshaping communications and the implications for society, culture and politics.