25 Aug 2023 Latest Media Development explores links between media literacy, audience engagement, democracy
“More than a concept, it is necessary to understand the importance of media literacy as an instrument of public policies, essential to promote democracy and dialogue,” state the editors of the most recent Media Development, WACC’s quarterly journal.
The authors of the 3/2023 issue respond to the issue’s title question “Who is talking with the audience?” (¿Quién dialoga con el público?) with best practices and analysis from a range of contexts.
Kanchan K. Malik and Vamsi Krishna Pothuru of the University of Hyderabad, India, argue for a “community of practice around media literacy and a participatory approach” and present ten initiatives in India that are driving a shift from echo chambers to critical thinking.
Media literacy education must not be limited to elementary and secondary schools, says Communication Studies professor Renee Hobbs, United States. In an increasingly extremist and violent culture, “[media literacy] is something that adults of all ages now urgently need.”
“It is time to bring media literacy, audience engagement, and media accountability closer together,” observes researcher Dominik Speck, Germany. He proposes increasing public access to, knowledge of, and participation in instruments of media accountability.
Journalism professor Herman Wasserman, South Africa, looks at media ethics in Africa and formal and informal practices to empower African audiences to hold media — including international media —accountable.
Contributions in Spanish from authors in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico consider media literacy and accountability mechanisms in the Latin America context such as audience ombudspersons and media observatories.
Articles in Media Development 03/2023 include:
- Harnessing media literacy to navigate social media echo chambers in India by Kanchan K. Malik and Vamsi Krishna Pothuru
- The importance of media literacy in a culture of extremist violence by Renee Hobbs
- Media literacy and media accountability by Dominik Speck
- Ethics, media literacy and audience engagement in Africa by Herman Wasserman
- Medios y rendición de cuentas en América Latina por Fernando Oliveira Paulino
- Género, derechos de las audiencias y medios: Zona de exclusión por Cynthia Ottaviano
- Literacia mediática y defensorías de audiencias en México por Laura Martínez Aguila
- Alfabetización y paz en Colombia ¿Cómo entender la Comisión de la verdad? por Mario Mantilla
- Digitality and people at margins: Tasks and challenges of civil society and faith communities in Asia by Peter Singh
- On the screen
Image: Brad Collicott
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