06 Mar 2018 Press for Progress on gender equality in the media
The proportion of stories that clearly challenge gender stereotypes has hardly changed since 2005.
...The proportion of stories that clearly challenge gender stereotypes has hardly changed since 2005.
...Community radio stations promote democratic participation by enabling marginalized people to exercise their rights....
Communication rights are crucial to civil society in Africa and the Middle East.
...Media play a significant role in perpetuating and challenging social norms.
...A new mother attends a culturally sensitive counselling session at the Jose Domingo De Obaldia Hospital in David, Panama. Photo courtesy of UNFPA/Guadalupe Valdes. A key component of communications rights is recognition of human difference and working together to enhance and enrich the common good. Three years ago,...
The mass media are key drivers in the spread of information, and/or misinformation about human trafficking.
Un curso dinámico, interesante y abierto a los aportes de las personas que deseen participar.
Unpacking how achieving gender equality can be pursued with a religious lens.
...People of faith rally to end silence and stigma and to remove barriers to gender justice....
Everyone needs to become more vocal and active in this important debate.