01 May 2019 GMMP logo gets a makeover
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) logo – with figures of a woman reading the news from a desktop computer and a man reading a newspaper while perched on a globe – has been refreshed....
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) logo – with figures of a woman reading the news from a desktop computer and a man reading a newspaper while perched on a globe – has been refreshed....
Will you help make the 2020 Global Media Monitoring (GMMP) possible?
Please consider donating to the GMMP’s campaign via Fundly, a crowdfunding site for online fundraising....
Do you have a passion for either gender equality, women’s rights, human rights, or ethical journalism? Are you curious about how to unpack and analyze media content from a gender perspective?
...Take part in this year’s International Women’s Day by advocating for gender equality in the news media.
...The proportion of stories that clearly challenge gender stereotypes has hardly changed since 2005.
...Media play a significant role in perpetuating and challenging social norms.
...Challenging gender roles in both religion and media will help women make progress on both fronts.
...Mobilizing women and men everywhere will achieve the goal of gender equality.
...The elimination of extreme poverty, the reduction of inequality, the protection of the planet can only be achieved with effective communication.
...Call to encourage and assist national advocacy to change media policy and journalistic practice.