14 May 2016 Media Development 2016/2 Editorial
International principles of journalism ethics stress the duty of professional communicators to seek truth and to provide fair...
International principles of journalism ethics stress the duty of professional communicators to seek truth and to provide fair...
We have to acknowledge that the media, more often than not, shape and actively craft public opinion rather than mirroring it. We still live in a time where the majority of people assume they are being fed facts as opposed...
La pedagogía se ocupa de los seres humanos, de cada uno de ellos. No caben en su discurso las lejanías, tampoco los torrentes de despersonalización a que nos tienen habituados algunos paradigmas con pretensión científica. Quienes nos asumimos de por vida como educadores...
Some media in Europe have succumbed to reporting based on stereotypes and used the actions of Islamists to stigmatize Muslim populations.
There is a current obsession in mainstream media and academic discourse pertaining to Islam and the West. This current obsession is tinged with negative signifiers with the global media’s predominantly negative portrayal of Islam and Muslims, depicting Muslims generally as violent, fanatical, bigoted,...
Forty-seven years ago, Jean d’Arcy, the father of the right to communicate (RTC) argued that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will have to include a more extensive right than the right to information. He asserted, “This is the angle from...
The following article provides an overview of New Zealand mainstream newspapers’ coverage of Islam and Muslim nations’ issues from 2012 to February 2016. The discussion outlines “Islamic religious politics”, international politics and policies, and Western “party politics”, which are experiencing a surge in...
As an American Muslim who speaks at about 25 college campuses a year, I suppose I should thank Jerry Falwell Jr. for the trigger warning....
Democracyas a system of governance is supposed to allow extensive representation and inclusiveness of as many people and views as possible to feed into the functioning of a fair and just society. The definition of democracy is incomplete unless...
El vertiginoso y deslumbrante desarrollo de la tecnología se encuentra enmarcado por la creciente economía trasnacional, la progresiva concentración de la propiedad de los medios de comunicación en pocas manos, la mayor dependencia en el campo de la información y...