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Indigenous community radio stations have been “gaining traction around the world,” but many remain hamstrung by legal, financial, technical and administrative challenges, according to a new study, Are Indigenous Voices Being Heard?  launched online Wednesday, Nov. 25.   Commissioned by WACC Global, Cultural Survival, and the Indigenous Media...

October 21, 2020 — Local radio and television stations in Kenya have been giving airtime to stories produced by the Farm Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya (FF-SPAK), which has partnered with WACC and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to support Promoting Traditional Climate Change Mitigation...

Surveillance and loss of privacy are watchwords in the digital transformation of societies worldwide. Who is watching us and for what purposes? Who is infringing private spaces and closing down public spaces? When it comes to communication infrastructures and technologies, accessibility and affordability are no longer enough, simply because neither governments nor corporate entities can be trusted to play fair.

National Public Radio (NPR) in the United States is demonstrating the importance both of giving a voice to migrants in media, and of ensuring the independence of the public broadcasting platform. As reported by another public broadcaster, BBC (“The immigrants telling stories history missed” 10 February 2020, two young radio producers, one with Iranian and the other with Palestinian backgrounds, are leading a new podcast series that highlight stories that most people have missed in their history lessons.

WACC Deputy General Secretary Sara Speicher recently presented a workshop on “Upholding Human Rights and Social Justice in the Digital Age” during the 50th anniversary international conference of the Catholic Media Council (CAMECO) held in Aachen, Germany. The conference, Communicating From and With the Margins, was held November...

On International Human Rights Day, December 10, WACC Global calls attention to the horrendous violence and abuse against journalists. “Investigative journalism is the backbone of a well-functioning democracy,” said Philip Lee, WACC General Secretary. “When the integrity and lives of journalists are threatened, civil society suffers.” About 500...