26 Apr 2018 WACC UK Annual General Meeting 2018
Ordinary resolutions and special resolutions to be put before Members.
...Ordinary resolutions and special resolutions to be put before Members.
...The courage of one person to fight against sexual abuse in a war-torn country.
...The proportion of stories that clearly challenge gender stereotypes has hardly changed since 2005.
...Certificate to be awarded by ITU Secretary-General on March 20.
...Community radio stations promote democratic participation by enabling marginalized people to exercise their rights....
2018 – A great time to be part of WACC!...
Honesty and trust underpin WACC's advocacy of communication rights.
WACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr Karin Achtelstetter, to take on new position....
Communication rights are crucial to civil society in Africa and the Middle East.
...International Migrants Day 18 December 2017.