03 Dec 2015 Media Development examines barriers to communication
“Invisible Walls and Barriers” explores some of the political, social, cultural and technological impediments to freedom of expression in today’s world.
“Invisible Walls and Barriers” explores some of the political, social, cultural and technological impediments to freedom of expression in today’s world.
After 20 years, research in 114 countries reveals continued severe disparity between representation of women and men in news media.
After 20 years, research in 114 countries Reveals continued severe disparity entre representation of women and men in news media ...
Documentary screenings at the Syria Film Festival in Toronto, Canada, were sold out 13-15 November 2015 as audiences expressed their solidarity.
Web documentary launched by Article 19 showing how fear, impunity and violence are commonplace when Mexican journalists exercise the right to freedom of expression.
...A workshop organized by WACC in partnership with the Toronto-based International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) formed part of an extensive programme of interactive events taking place in Salt Lake City, 15-19 October 2015.
...WACC will present a workshop on “Interfaith Dialogue on Communication, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion” on Friday, Oct. 16 2015 during the the Parliament of the World’s Religions meeting...
Women are virtually invisible in news reporting on peace and security issues in nations experiencing conflict.
...WACC and its General Secretary, the Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter, have joined global faith-based organizations to endorse a statement that ending extreme poverty by 2030 is a “moral imperative” and that urgent action is needed to advance this...
The right to communicate with a gender perspective in the post 2015 development agenda, is part of a comprehensive approach that WACC and its regions are taking toward addressing the post-2015 SDGs.