04 Dec 2013 ICTs, international standards and freedom of expression
International human rights organisation ARTICLE 19 publishes report on freedom of expression and ICTs.
...International human rights organisation ARTICLE 19 publishes report on freedom of expression and ICTs.
...Tireless ambassador for the role of film in society and for advancing human values and human rights....
Writer and film director Atiq Rahimi releases film of his novel Syngué sabour (The Patience Stone).
...The latest issue of WACC's international journal Media Development (4/2013) takes the theme "Building alliances for gender and media"....
Media Development 2013/4 Building alliances for gender and media Gender stereotypes are one of the most persistent causes of inequality between women and men in all spheres, impacting both their professional and...
Publication examines importance of media and entertainment in advancing a nonkilling world...