The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Photo: United Nations.
The German government – which has said “religion matters” in meeting the world’s challenges -- is sponsoring a conference in Berlin from Feb....
Posted at 20:31h
Media Development
Freedom. Democracy. Justice. These are a few concepts that many migrants feel are alien once they land in a country that is not their own. A feeling of...
A quarter of a century ago, in an essay published in the journalReligion and Society, Michael Traber wrote:
“Communication, both public and private, is a fundamental human right and, as...
In 2015 I was lucky enough to be chosen by WACC to evaluate its small-grants programme, under which development partners all over the world are annually selected for...
My work addresses communication rights in the context of the widespread growth and expansion of the Internet. In particular, I focus on privacy rights in the context of...
Is it possible to create an open community space so that people can freely speak and contribute to post-war reconciliation? This was the question a group of young...
On January 20, 2015, the town of Santa Eulalia Huehuetenango, Guatemala became the centre of an unfortunate and too common violent sequence of events targeting community journalists. The...
Las redes sociales se han evidenciado como instrumentos idóneos para acompañar procesos de reivindicación de derechos, dando paso a un creciente movimiento de ciudadanas y ciudadanos que se...
Les femmes représentent la majorité de la population béninoise, mais elles sont les moins connues. Elles drainent la foule lors des grands regroupements à la place publique, mais...
A good entry point for newcomers to the idea of communication rights is to bounce it against the idea of freedom of expression.
Most people believe they understand the basic of...