As part of its efforts to promote communication rights around the world, WACC is proud to announce the launch of its new Communication Rights in a Digital Age Programme.
The programme will support...
Posted at 00:00h
Collecting personal data for the best of reasons – such as tackling the coronavirus pandemic – has triggered a wave of misgivings.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation ( has responded to growing concerns with a statement (10 March 2020) urging “a balance between collective good and civil liberties.” The EFF statement says:
WACC announces the launch of a new programmatic focus as part of our efforts to promote communication for all. The new Communication Rights and Migration Programme seeks to enable migrants and host communities to access...
Posted at 00:00h
Interesting to see the media's largely positive role in helping to combat the coronavirus crisis.
According to Forbes Magazine (March 16), the World Health Organization (WHO) is becoming the planet’s most important social media influencer.
WACC’s response to the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19
For our common good, we need to use and promote technologies to unite people and communities who are divided by adversity.
When the coronavirus...
Posted at 13:16h
The 20th European Festival of Religious TV and Online Programmes will not go ahead as scheduled this June in Helsinki, Finland.
The postponement follows a wave of event cancellations worldwide due to the...
Posted at 00:00h
Attacks on the independence of the BBC are multiplying.
The principle of public service broadcasting – or, in these days of digital convergence, public service media – ought to be sacrosanct. The question then becomes one of the need for unbiased oversight and financial autonomy.
Posted at 00:00h
A report from Lebanon’s Maharat Foundation examines the role of freedom of expression and media during the 2019 uprising.
Maharat’s aim is to create societal and political conditions that enhance freedom of expression and access to information both online and offline. It equips a progressive community in Lebanon and the region with the skills and knowledge necessary to bring about change.
While life today is better for a 15-year-old girl in a developing world, she will nonetheless have to keep fighting against tremendous odds because progress made in the last 25...
Inclusion of key stakeholders in text, democratic deliberation’ needed
A group of women’s rights organizations and non-governmental organizations is urging the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to postpone the...