he General Conference of UNESCO, recognizing the importance of promoting multilingualism and equitable access to information and knowledge, especially in the public domain, adopted the following Recommendation at its 32nd session (30 September – 17 October 2003).
Por J. Carlos Lara
Incontables iniciativas estatales y privadas pretenden proveer de soluciones a la expansión del COVID-19, incluso en América Latina. A pesar de los llamados a la cordura y al respeto por los derechos fundamentales, persiste en nuestra región un intento por usar la vigilancia como solución, inclusive para problemas que van más allá de la salud pública. ¿Sobreviviremos al brote de vigilancia?
By Alexander Trepelkov
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with their universal scope, interlinked nature and focus on leaving no one behind will be more essential than ever during and after this...
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)’s Clearinghouse on Public Statements and its Executive Board issued two statements in June 2020 related to the anti-racism protests taking place in the United States and elsewhere. The Clearinghouse statement is in support of the right of journalists and news outlets in the United States to observe and report events freely and safely, while the Executive Board Statement is in solidarity with all those who insist that Black Lives Matter, who demand an end to all institutional practices that deny equality, dignity and opportunity, and who call for a resolute commitment to the renewed pursuit of economic, social and cultural justice.
Sixty-one NGOs, 41 PEN Centres and 40 experts in linguistic rights from all over the world met in Barcelona, 6-8 June 1996. The convocation of the World Conference on Linguistic Rights (WCLR) was an initiative of the Translations and Linguistic Rights Commission of PEN International and the CIEMEN (Centre Internacional Escarré per a les Minories Ètniques i les Nacions) with the moral and technical support of UNESCO.
By Vincent Rajkumar
As India grapples with COVID-19, confused and often disempowering communication has aggravated our present predicament.
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Media Development 2020-3
Expanding Public Communication Spaces
In times of crisis, such as COVID-19, information saves lives. Accurate and trustworthy messages are needed so that people know...
By Parminder Jeet Singh
Understanding the nature of the emerging digital economy and society, and recognising people’s collective rights to their data, can help to determine how society’s data and digital intelligence-based roles should be divided across public, community and private sectors.
Ce traité prévoit la protection et la promotion des langues régionales et minoritaires historiques. Son élaboration est justifiée, d’une part, par le souci de maintenir et de développer les traditions et le patrimoine culturels européens, d’autre part, par le respect du droit imprescriptible et universellement reconnu de pratiquer une langue régionale ou minoritaire dans la vie privée et publique.
Posted at 21:04h
Nyon (Switzerland) 2020
At the 51st Festival Visions du réel Nyon (April 17 – May 2, 2020), the interreligious watched and discussed the 14 films of the competition for long films due the Covid-19 situation online and awarded its Prize of CHF 5’000, donated by the Swiss Catholic Church, the Reformed Churches in the French-speaking part Switzerland (CER) and its Media Department Média-pro, and the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities, to the film Off the Road / Fuera del camino directed by von José Permar (Mexico/USA 2020).