At the 49th Molodist-Kyiv International Film Festival held 22-30 Augustr 2020, the prize of the online Ecumenical Jury in the International Competition of Full-Length Feature Films went to Canción sin nombre (Song Without a Name) directed by Melina León (Peru, Spain, USA, 2019).
On Wednesday, November 25, WACC Global, Cultural Survival and Indigenous Media Caucus will launch “Are Indigenous Voices Being Heard?: A Study on the State of Indigenous Community Broadcasting in 19 Countries.” Please click here to register for the free online event. The global study examines whether governments...
WACC Communication for Social Change manager Lorenzo Vargas recently visited two community radio stations in Colombia which are taking part in a WACC-supported project establishing a network of environmental journalists to help promote a culture of people-led environmental protection in regions that are home to...
Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) findings on gender stereotypes in the media were among the references used in a legislation approved November 6 by Mexico’s Senate that would punish digital violence against women. “Known as Olimpia’s law, the measure would ban the sharing of ‘sexual content’...