Posted at 22:20h
WACC is pleased to announce the appointment of Rod Molina, a Chilean–Canadian social sciences researcher and practitioner, as project coordinator of our flagship Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP).Molina is tasked...
The question has been raised internationally: who is going to rebuild Gaza and who will pay?
As yet, no one knows. There may be three options:
Israel, in which case Israel...
The right to freedom of expression alone is not enough to protect democratic communication and public debate, which are the cornerstones of society. This right, while essential, does not create...
Should churches and NGOs be active on social media platforms or leave them entirely due to ethical and rights concerns? Should civil society be doing more to hold social media...
WACC’s regional association in Asia is poised to renew its work to promote communication rights following a fruitful and engaging 3-day meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the end of...
WACC partners met in Kathmandu, Nepal, last October to explore how communication rights are essential building blocks for social justice in our digital world. Here Forum participant Neema Majesia from...