Peter Prove
The first casualty of war is truth. This familiar adage has been attributed to many authors, from Chinese military strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu (c.544BC – c.496) and ancient...
Deutsche Welle
Rousbeh Legatis is a peace and conflict researcher, former UN correspondent and international consultant on the role of journalists as actors in conflict transformation processes. In a 2019 interview...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
The media shape how the public perceives the risks posed by hazards; these perceptions in turn influence the set of strategies for the...
Posted at 18:23h
Helen McElhinney
Recently, the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development hosted a conference on the risks and opportunities of AI on humanitarian action. I kicked off my presentation on disinformation by asking...
Suman Basnet
Nepal suffered a decade-long civil war fought between the Maoist guerillas and government forces from early 1996 till the end of 2006; it ended with the signing of the...
CLEAR Global
Language rights are a vital dimension of sustainable development and humanitarian aid. The following article outlines why they are important, what lessons have been learnt, and how innovative technologies...