Women journalists who ethically cover stories about gender-based violence are “human rights defenders in their own right,” and they often face challenges, including misogynistic attacks online and offline, as a...
This issue of Media Development is not the first in which the journal has turned its attention to the Caribbean. In 1998, with contributions by communication stalwarts such as Aggrey...
Kimiko Scott
In the early days of broadcast media, people gathered around “little brown radio boxes” (Re-diffusion boxes) (Jamaica Gleaner, 2001) to stay connected to what was happening around the world...
Embert Charles
In May 2020, the small states of the Eastern Caribbean – Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines – will...
Peter Richards
When he spoke at a Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU) event marking its 30th anniversary in April 2019, Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Mitchell, who has the lead responsibility for...
Amitabh Sharma
It all began with the smoke signals. And one might ask, why begin with this example? As efficient, accurate and reliable this mode of communication was, and is too...