A former refugee from Syria is urging journalists to avoid the narrative that portrays refugees as succeeding "despite being a refugee" or "despite (their) background," and to recognize instead that...
Posted at 00:00h
In a recent training session for current and would be journalists, a repeated question came up – can a journalist be an activist? Or – asked with even more urgency...
Nearly 200 years after its founding, Bolivia continues to grapple with racism and discrimination exacerbated, in part, by political forces vying for power. Much of the discrimination has been directed...
Three WACC Regional Associations are collaborating on a pioneering initiative to help journalists cover refugee and migration issues "ethically and accurately," to enable refugees and migrants speak out on their...
Posted at 00:00h
Russia’s supreme court has ordered the closure of Memorial International, the country’s oldest human rights group.
Memorial has joined a growing list of investigative news outlets, journalists, and rights organisations classed...
WACC and the Christian Broadcasting Service of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon have partnered to help promote a more positive attitude and counter hate narratives toward migrants in Douala, Cameroon's...