17 Aug 2016 Mexican Women Challenge Media Stereotypes
...Today, profound changes in the newspaper and journalism industries together with technological convergence risk “seeing much weaker local news media that do less in terms of holding power to account...
James Carey, a communication and journalism scholar who taught at the University of Illinois and then Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, often highlighted how communication (and for...
Observers of the Malaysian media environment will notice two distinctive features of the mainstream media (television, radio, print). First, that there is heavy political party involvement and investment...
En 1988 una fábrica de autos intentó adelantarse a su mercado con un eslogan que no le funcionó en términos de ventas −la empresa cerró unos años después−,...
La literatura de todos los tiempos nos ha provisto valiosas lecciones para comprender la realidad del mundo en que vivimos. Será conveniente seguir reconociendo que, muchas veces, la...
In the United States, it’s no longer newsworthy to say that there is a crisis in the news industry. From coast to coast, countless newspapers closed, ceased print...
Nyon (Switzerland) 2016
An interreligious jury appointed by SIGNIS (World Association for Catholic Communication) and INTERFILM (International Inter-Church Film Organisation) has been present at the Festival
As a starting point, we need briefly to address what is understood by public policies and their accompanying processes. Then, we will review specific experiences in the area...
Local media are the active watchdogs that democratic communities need to stay healthy.