07 Jan 2014 E-waste rising dramatically says report
Global e-waste could reach annual levels of 65.4 million tonnes by 2017....
Global e-waste could reach annual levels of 65.4 million tonnes by 2017....
Supporting professional formation for the Church's ministry in communications....
Survey finds reportage of rural poverty issues by Nigerian print media is relatively low.
...The Toronto-based IFEX network notes in a website story that “there are far too many countries where news and content providers constantly face a very special and formidable form of...
The Rev. Romi Márcia Bencke, general secretary of the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil (CONIC), was honoured on Dec. 12 with a Human Rights Award presented to her...
Article 19 joins with four NGOs to argue that access to information is central to the post-2015 development agenda....
Japan’s legislature, the Diet, on Dec. 6 passed a highly contentious state secrets protection bill into law, despite protests from the opposition, the public and church leaders....
Panel reviews communication rights, community radio and role of journalists in advancing social and economic justice.
International human rights organisation ARTICLE 19 publishes report on freedom of expression and ICTs.
...Tireless ambassador for the role of film in society and for advancing human values and human rights....