24 Feb 2017 WACC Annual General Meeting 2017
The AGM will review documents related to 2016.
...The AGM will review documents related to 2016.
...Hungarian film wins Golden Bear and prize of Ecumenical Jury.
...Murri Selle - “an indefatigable supporter of WACC’s mission.”
...Our never ending fascination with new technologies of communication.
...Digital communication technologies are transforming the world and people themselves. At the same time, there is a perception that content is less trustworthy and that digital media are more susceptible...
A recent report from the World Economic Forum (WEF)1 says that the main characteristics of digital media consumption today are:
...Internet freedom has declined for the sixth consecutive year, with more governments than ever before targeting social media and communication apps as a means of halting the rapid dissemination of...
Clic y scroll. El idioma anuncia nuevas incorporaciones mientras surge una nueva red social. Ya no hablamos de lectores o públicos. Estamos en el terreno de los usuarios, prosumidores y...
With communication a central element in humanitarian crises and humanitarian response, the next decade will see communicators change their approach in light of the increased significance of digital communications in...
In 2013 UNESCO commissioned a series of Working Papers on Mobile Learning. The aim was to better understand how mobile technologies can be used to improve educational access, equity and...