“Indigenous voices tell compelling stories of how they are combating centuries of injustice and discrimination.”By María Teresa Aveggio, Programme Manager A new law (4479) proposed by Guatemala’s Lider party intends to reform the country’s criminal code in order to sanction the imprisonment...
By Teresia Mutuku, Communication Officer and Web Manager, WACCTheme: God of life: lead us to justice, peace and reconciliation with creation WACC-Asia Region will mark its annual communication Sunday, 2 September 2012, on the theme "God of life: lead us to justice, peace and ...
In this issue: REMINDER: WACC calls for new project proposals. The deadline for submitting concept notes is 3 September 2012 Also in this issue: Communication rights and free Internet are essential for democracy. New book looks at contemporary forms of televangelism. New resources for gender aware journalism. Community...
In this issue: Communication rights and free Internet are essential for democracy. Also in this issue: New book looks at contemporary forms of televangelism. WACC calls for action to strengthen community radio for Indigenous people. New resources for gender aware journalism. Community radio: Essential for citizen’s participation. Project Faith – Fostering...
{wacc location="Toronto, Canada"} {teaser}Gender aware journalism: a more ethical perspective.{/teaser}Gender aware journalism: a more ethical perspective
By Maria Teresa Aveggio, Programme Manager