03 Aug 2016 Media scholars and activists focus on memory
Media and communication researchers recall an illustrious past and look forward to a vibrant future.
...Media and communication researchers recall an illustrious past and look forward to a vibrant future.
...Successful WACC Summer School concludes in Mandeville, Jamaica.
...WACC is currently holding its biennial Summer School in Mandeville, Jamaica, in collaboration with the Northern Caribbean University (NCU). The Summer School, which started on July 25 and...
Turkish researchers unable to share their knowledge at the most important global meeting of media and communication researchers.
Summer School to study the links between media, religion, and globalization.
Community radio station in the front-line of a struggle against land-grabbing.
...Information and communications technology sector has a role to play in protecting and promoting free expression.
Europe urgently needs clear net neutrality guidelines to protect freedoms and rights online. ...
Des réflexions sur les films en compétition officielle de la part de la Vice-présidente d'INTERFILM.
...Summer interns take up responsibilities at WACC office in Toronto.