The Philippines has been identified as one of the top 10 countries most at risk from the effects of climate change, and yet millions of marginalized Filipinos who will be...
The fruits of a September symposium on “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age” are being shared globally—with an invitation to contribute to an action plan for steps on...
WACC has announced its support for a project in Uganda that will establish a network of specialized climate and environmental reporters for community radio stations who have limited resources and...
Posted at 00:00h
Digital Rights
Global internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year, according to the latest report from Freedom House.
“Freedom on the Internet 2021” focuses on surveillance, censorship, privacy legislation, and encryption....
Kamla Bhasin, a beloved pioneer of the women’s rights movement in South Asia who also wrote poetry, songs and books about feminism and human rights, died in Delhi on Friday,...
WACC and the *Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) today launched a fundraising campaign to support Afghan women journalists within its network who are in urgent need of support...