Helen Wu, a third-year student at the University of Toronto, studying jointly with Sheridan College to pursue Visual Culture & Communication, is WACC Global’s new summer intern.
Wu says she chose...
In 2020, women in Asia made up only 21% of people seen, heard, or read about in newspaper, radio, television and digital news, a “marginal improvement” from 10 to 15...
There’s a need to address the social and political impact of repeated exposure to images and narratives that denigrate and discriminate particular groups of people in society, not just on...
Is it…a Popemobile? No, more like a Pressmobile created by Grupo Comunicarte, a longtime WACC project partner based in Colombia.
As part of a migration project supported by WACC and the...
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation around the world and offered opportunities for increased connectivity. However, it has also exacerbated digital injustice: lack of access for many, lack of...
The World Council of Churches, ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Anglican Communion, World Methodist Council, Latin American Episcopal Council and World Association for Christian Communication...