31 Mar 2014 Haiti still needs international support
WACC is currently trying to help REFRAKA, a community media group, to animate and give confidence to rural women in communicating their needs and concerns....
WACC is currently trying to help REFRAKA, a community media group, to animate and give confidence to rural women in communicating their needs and concerns....
A todos y todas los miembros, amigos y amigas de la WACC en América Latina queremos desearles una Pascua de Resurrección que les comunique esperanza, avive la capacidad de entrega,...
UNESCO Report paints a picture of change and disruption to media freedom, pluralism, independence and the safety of journalists brought on by technology and, to a lesser extent,...
The Women’s Media Center (WMC), in its Status of Women in the U. S. Media 2014 report, found that men still dominate print, broadcast and digital media. While noting barriers...
Human rights defenders from Bangladesh have called the international community’s attention to the severe
persecution of Bangladesh’s religious and ethnic minorities. Religious extremism, fundamentalism and lack of security are cited as...
Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, who is passionate about implementing Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action to advance women’s political and social...