Tharu-speaking Indigenous journalists in Nepal have enhanced their news and reporting skills, and production of news in Tharu has increased, thanks to a capacity building project undertaken by WACC local...
Following four years of fruitful collaboration, WACC and Boston-based Indigenous rights organization Cultural Survival have decided to renew and enhance their ongoing partnership.
Starting this year, WACC and Cultural Survival will...
Posted at 15:21h
Climate Justice,
About 75 Kwéyòl-speaking Saint Lucians have now increased their knowledge of the language of climate change and sustainable development in Kwéyòl, thanks to a WACC-supported project developed by the Folk...
WACC Global is proud to announce its new initiative with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to help build the capacity of communities at the grassroots level – particularly family...
Posted at 14:43h
WACC's Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) has been nominated for the 2020 World Summit on Information Society’s 9th Annual Awards.
The GMMP was one of 353 projects nominated out of 806 submitted projects...
Colombia is one of 20 countries most at risk from suffering the disastrous effects of climate change.
Several factors contribute to environmental degradation and consequently, undermine livelihoods. These include the increasing...