WSIS Civil Society Declaration
We, women and men from different continents, cultural backgrounds, perspectives, experience and expertise, acting as members of different constituencies of an emerging global civil society, considering civil...
World Association for Christian Communication
WACC believes that communication plays a crucial role in building peace, security and a sense of identity as well as in promoting justice, mutual accountability and...
Busan Communication Statement
Statement from the International Consultation on the Theme of the World Council of Churches’ 10th Assembly: A Communication Perspective held in Busan, Korea, 22-25 May 2012 and organized...
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World Association for Christian Communication
Adopted on 11 March 2017 by participants at the “Gender & media: challenges and opportunities in the Post-2015 era” consultation organized...
WACC, WCC et al.
This Manifesto is the outcome of a symposium on “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age,” held from 13-15 September 2021. The symposium explored the challenges...
Windhoek+30 Declaration
We, the participants at the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day International Conference held in Windhoek, Namibia, 29 April – 3 May 2021:
RECALLING Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of...