18 Jul 2014 UNESCO-initiated alliance appoints WACC to steering committee
The UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance on Media & Gender (GAMAG ) has named WACC to its International Steering Committee, which will guide...
The UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance on Media & Gender (GAMAG ) has named WACC to its International Steering Committee, which will guide...
WACC has been accepted as a member of ACT Alliance, a coalition of more than 140 churches and affiliated organizations working together in 140 countries to create positive and...
The spring issue of the quarterly publication Media Development considers the art of storytelling in the context of church and of cinema.
A public presentation of the achievements of a WACC project on "Communication Rights and Marginalized People in Bolivia" took place in Toronto 23 June 2014.
Article 19, speaking on behalf of 63 civil society groups, has urged the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) to strengthen protections for...
Quoting hip-hop culture and poet Maya Angelou, pastor Michael W. Waters on June 19 in Toronto addressed communication rights as he reflected upon the African-American community’s struggle to...
Call for solidarity with Mauritanian human rights activist Aminetou Mint El Moctar.
...The winner of the prize for best programme at the European TV Festival of Religious Programmes 2014 was the Dutch Jewish Broadcasting network (Joodse Omroep)...
A Summer School on “Communication and Religion” is taking place 16-21 June...
The European Television Festival of Religious Programmes has begun in Hilversum, the Netherlands, exploring whether religious expression is (still) taking place in public space or whether it has...
A public presentation of the achievements of a WACC project on "Communication Rights and Marginalized People in Bolivia" will take place in Toronto on Monday 23 June 2014....
The principles of the Yemen Times newspaper are “independence – truth -- human rights advocacy -- knowledge – credibility” and Nadia Al-Sakkaf lives this credo every day in...
Pastor and preacher Michael W. Waters will be in Toronto on Thursday 19 June 2014 to speak about faith, life, and communicating today....
A Kenyan magazine, The Media Observer, in its January-March 2014 issue featured an article on a WACC-supported project that monitored gender portrayal and representation in the nation’s political news. “Are...
Embert Charles, currently President of WACC’s Caribbean Region, named to join WACC’s First Directors....
WACC presentation at Manila seminar stresses need to place communication and multimedia at the heart of the post-2015 global development agenda.
...The spring issue of the quarterly publication Media Development explores how indigenous / First Nations / aboriginal people are building their own media and communication networks. It was...
Rev. Christopher Ferguson elected next General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches....
A conference organized by the International Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO) on the theme “Christianity – Orthodoxy and the media in the modern world” took place in Greece, 12-15...
As communities around the world observe World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) on May 17, a grouping of Caribbean communicators has called for the establishment of a Caribbean Communications...
Religious organizations in Africa are at the front line of caring for those with HIV infection and AIDS, but they are also seeking to combat the social stigma...
Caminhos da paz (Paths of peace) directed by Sol de Carvalho has won the SIGNIS-WACC Human Rights Award 2013. The film highlights the role of the...
Help a rural women's communication project in Haiti to take place and earn a bonus.
...The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) furthers issues of justice for women on an international scale and fits with the mission of such organizations as...
WACC member and former director Gotson Pierre of Haiti has been designated an “information hero” by the media freedom organization Reporters Without Borders. For the first time,...
Peter Prove is stepping down as executive director of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) on 30 April 2014, after leading the global Christian alliance for advocacy and policy...
International conference participants issue declaration against "Incitement to Hate and Violence through Media."
...The 18th European Television Festival of Religious Programmes, to take place June 11-14 in Hilversum, the Netherlands, will examine whether religious...
As the recent IPCC report confirms, how the science of climate change is communicated is a significant factor in public understanding of the issues involved and may well...
In 2005, Internews conducted its first digital safety training seminar, with journalists in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Since then, Internews has trained and collaborated with hundreds of journalists and...