17 Nov 2011 2011/4 Tackling HIV and AIDS
Mass and community media can unthinkingly reinforce stigmatisation and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. Beyond the important question of language and image, there are those of care, respect, support, and human dignity. As one writer in this...
21 Sep 2011 WACC calls on people of faith to make their voices heard for peace (2011)On International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011, the President and General Secretary of the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) call on people of faith to communicate greater understanding, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence in keeping with the... 31 Aug 2011 Montreal 2011The Ecumenical Jury at the 2011 World Film Festival Montreal awarded its Prize to David, directed by Joel Fendelman (USA). ... 26 Aug 2011 Communication rights leverage access to social services in Bolivia
With the financial support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), WACC and two of its long-time partners in Bolivia, SECRAD (Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y TV para el Desarrollo of the School of Communication of the Bolivian Catholic University San... 24 Aug 2011 Cameroon: Use of Radio and TV Programming to Change Perceptions about Disabled PeopleSolidarité des Personnes Handicapées pour le Développement (SOPHAD), Cameroon € 6,000 Ref. 1476 In Cameroon, people living with a disability are among the most vulnerable groups. Disabled peoples‟ rates of employment and education are abysmally low with many living on the streets and making a living out of... 19 Aug 2011 Locarno 2011At the 64th Locarno Film Festival (3-13 August), the Ecumenical Jury of SIGNIS and INTERFILM awarded its Prize to the film Vol spécial, directed by Fernand Melgar (Switzerland, 2011)....